Rounding Calculator

Rounding, usually a mathematical term, is the technique used to reduce the number of digits in a number. It is used in various fields to make working with numbers easier. This calculator tool is designed to make your calculations free, fast and accurate. Just enter the number you want to round and select the precision to see the rounded result.

Understanding Types of Rounding

Decimal Rounding: Rounding to a specified number of decimal places, such as tenths, hundredths or thousandths (up to millionths).

Whole Number Rounding: Rounding to the nearest negative integer, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.

Fractional Rounding: Rounding to the nearest fraction, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc.

Example Number: 15.678

Decimal Rounding: Rounding 15.678 to hundredths (2 decimal places).

Step 1: Determine the hundreds digit of the number as (6) and the following digit as (7).

Step 2: Round up the hundreds digit because the following digit is 5 or greater.

Result: 15.678 rounded to hundredths is 15.68.

Whole Number Rounding: Rounding 15.678 to the nearest whole number.

Step 1: Find the whole number part (15) and the first decimal place (6).

Step 2: Round up because the first decimal place is 5 or more.

Result: 15.678 rounded to the nearest whole number is 16.

Fractional Rounding: Rounding 15.678 to the nearest 1/8.

Step 1: First divide the number by the fraction (1/8) to find the nearest multiple.

15.678 / 0.125 = 125.424

Step 2: Round 125.424 to the nearest whole number.

125.424 rounded to the nearest whole number is 125.

Step 3: Multiply the result by a fraction (1/8) to get the rounded value.

125 * 0.125 = 15.625

Result: 15,678 rounded to the nearest 1/8 is 15 5/8 or 15.625