Mean, Median, and Mode Calculator

Easily calculate the maximum, minimum, mean, median, mode, sum of all numbers, and the number of numbers in a given set. Smart calculation allows you to calculate numbers by entering commas, spaces, and newline.

What is the mean and how to calculate the mean

The mean, often called the average, is a concept used in statistics. It provides a measure of a value at the centre in a given data set. To calculate the mean, all values in a data set are summed and divided by the number of values. This fairly simple process yields a single number that represents the centre of the data distribution. Although the mean is widely used and easy to calculate, you can easily calculate it on our site to avoid manual errors. And it is often used with median and mode calculation.

Mean Formula and Mean Calculator

What is the median and how to calculate the median

Another statistical concept, the median, is a measure representing the middle value in a sorted data set. Median values appear in most statistical analysis reports. To calculate the median, it is first necessary to sort all values in the dataset from lowest to highest. For datasets with an odd number of values, the median is the middle number in this sorted list. However, in the case of an even number of values, the median is calculated by averaging the middle two numbers.

What is the mode and how to calculate the mode

Calculating the mode of a data set involves counting the frequency and determining which one appears most often. For example, take a shoe store and the shoe sizes sold today are as follows: 7, 8, 9, 8, 10, 8, 7, 9, 8, 11, 8, 9, 10, 8 and 7. To determine the mode for 7, we first count the occurrences of each dimension:

  • Size 7: 3 times
  • Size 8: 6 times
  • Size 9: 3 times
  • Size 10: 2 times
  • Size 11: 1 time

Next, we identify the size that appears most frequently. In this case, size 8 appears 6 times, which is more than any other size. Therefore, the mode of this dataset is 8.