Bench Press 1RM Calculator

Estimate Your Strength with the Bench Press 1RM Calculator

The Bench Press 1RM calculator incorporates the popular Epley formula to estimate one-rep max based on the weight and number of repetitions performed. This gives a rather good estimation of your one-rep max-something quite helpful in tracking your progress and setting good training goals. In the calculation of 1RM, you will understand what level you are at with your strength, which helps in a custom and progressive work-out routine.

Please note that the calculated values only present an approximation and might not really describe the true strength in respect to practical fields. Technique, fatigue, and other conditions generally will affect your actual performance. Always consider the results as general feedback, not an exact measurement.

Please fill out how much you lift and how many repetitions you are doing, and this tool will give you an estimate of what your max single-rep strength is. This is very important information during reassessment for your training plan, which focuses on progressive overload for progression. This tool is able to calculate for beginners or experienced people.